Friday, January 9, 2015

Jan 9 Devo

Hebrews 4:16

Day Six
What is Freedom?
Devotion The concept of freedom is one that most Americans would claim to comprehend.  But after generations of living free, do we really understand what would be lost if just a piece of our freedom were taken away?  Remember the days just after September 11, 2001?  The airlines where shut down, and air travel suffered for months.  Professional football games were postponed.  Large events were canceled.  The security measures implemented since then have cost billions of dollars and demanded countless hours.  Imagine what life would be like if we suffered a barrage of suicide bombers, truck bombs and armed assaults similar to what happens in places like Iraq and Israel.  An old saying warns that you don’t know what you have until it is gone.  Truly, we take so much for granted in this country that it is easy to loose sight of how much is at stake.  We must not allow terrorist to shut us down and isolate us from the rest of the world.  Our soldiers are risking (and some losing) their lives to protect our freedom.  The rest of us must do our part to secure the future for our children and grandchildren, not only for the sake of our loved ones, but also for the sake of freedom.  This is where our prayers for freedom and protection, not just for America, but for all those other countries like Darfur, and Israel etc. that suffer through terror everyday, become very important.  We must pray for the protection of this Country.  God is waiting to here from us about everything that concerns us. Not just about achieving the house with the two car garage and the six figure a year job, but also about our safety and if we don’t pray to the King of the Universe, Jesus Christ to protect us then we are in trouble.
Scriptures to Meditate on
Psalm 91 and Psalm 100

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Jan 8 Devo

2 Peter 3:9

Day Five
God wants to use you!
Devotion It absolutely thrills me when I think that the God of Heaven can actually use me!  We all should be very grateful to know that we can be an instrument to accomplish His will here on earth.  Faithful Christians are the tools God uses to do great things that have eternal value.  He uses His followers as witnesses to the entire earth to tell everyone about Him and His love.  When you stop to think about it, you and I can truly alter the course of history and the world.  Unfortunately, some people are not being used by God because they are either unwilling or unfaithful.  It is said that Leon Trotsky, who was a key part of the Communist revolution in Russia, actually attended a Sunday school class one day during a visit to America.  But the teacher of the class was absent that morning, and did not bother to get a substitute.  So no one taught the Bible that morning, and as far as anyone knows, Trotsky never attended church again.  What if someone had been faithful enough to show up that morning?  It may have helped to alter history!  All that God asks of us is to make ourselves available to Him.  Tell the Lord today that you want to faithfully serve Him, who knows what wonderful things might happen when you are faithful to the Lord.

Scripture to Meditate on 2Timothy 2:20-21

Received a 21 day prayer and fasting guide.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Jan 7 2015 Devo

Day Four
The Elephant in the Church
Devotion Have you ever heard the saying “Elephant in the Room”?  I’m sure you have.  Around the office, with friends, or even at the dinner table, it’s an old English idiom that many of us use to describe an obvious truth that is either being ignored, or at times, rarely being addressed.  We all have seen elephants at the zoo or maybe on TV. , and we know how impossible it is for an elephant to be ignored.  They are the largest land animals in the world, weighing anywhere between 9000-12,000 pounds.  So you would think that if you and I were in a room with an elephant, we would probably know it!  While doing some soul searching this week, I began to ask myself this question; as Christians, what are the elephants you and I have in the room today?  What are the biggest elephants we have in the church today?  I’m sure, depending on whom you ask, the answers to that question would differ greatly, money, divorce, racism, homosexuality, politics, and sexism.  The list is endless.  There is however one “elephant” in particular that we as Christians rarely seem to uncover enough.  Despite its size and ability to frighten all in its path, this elephant has been chained to the rooms (and hearts) of every believer by God Himself.  It simply cannot be avoided.  That elephant is ACCOUNTABILITY.  Romans 12:16 says, “Be of the same mind toward one another.  Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble.  Do not be wise in your own opinion.”  If we are really honest with one another we can all say at one point or another that we have a hard time asking for help.  Whether it was from a family member, friend, or even fellow believer, for some reason we equate a need for help as a sign of weakness.  Nothing like figuring things out on your own, or so we think until our “elephants of accountability” grow bigger than the rooms we hide them in.  As Christians, there is nothing more important than seeking out and embracing the accountability of the friends and loved ones God has placed around us.  More often than not, many of us can fall victim to a dangerous belief system that our relationship with Christ (and no one else) is all that we need to be successful in our daily walk with Him.  Without accountability, the voice of God can sound a lot like your own.  I encourage you today to become a person of accountability.  

Scriptures to Meditate on Romans 12:16, Matthew 12:33-37  

Quoted from 21 Day Devotional, Fasting and Prayer Guide

Monday, January 5, 2015

Jan 6 2015 Devo

Day Three
Guidance for the President of the USA

Devotion The President and VP has been chosen by majority vote. It  is our job as believers to keep them lifted up in prayer, whether you like the choice or not we are told in scripture to pray for them.  God is the one who lifts some up and sits some down.  We must understand that God has the last word and whatever decisions these two new people make our God is STILL in control of them also.  The bible tells us that He is the God of all flesh.  So let us make a decision to pray for guidance for our new leaders of these United States of America.  Let us purpose in our hearts that we will ask the Father to lead and guide every plan, purpose, thought, and decision they make.  Remember these Leaders have a huge load to carry with the state of our economy, health care , and our soldiers in harms, and other war torn countries.  Let us also remember that they need people they can trust to help them in there decision making.  Like all of us one of the most important things we can ask God for and that is guidance.  Can you imagine what the White House would be like if you knew that the President asked our Lord and Savior each day for
guidance in their actions, motives and plans, WOW!  Well we know that we can ask for them and that is just as good.

Scriptures to Meditate on Psalm1:1-3, Romans 13:1-7, 1Timothy 2:1-4

Psalm 16:1

“Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow.
Isaiah 1:16-17 NKJV

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Jan 5, 2015 Devotional

He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8 NKJV

Psalm 119:162