Thursday, October 20, 2011

Restored Joy

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Psalm 51:12 NIV

There is thre parts to this passage.. Words that make me thing
1. Restore 2. Grant 3. Sustain

1, Restore the Joy of your salvation.
  Think back to the day of your salvation the joy that your felt. Here comes a statement of restore.  As you look at there must have been a point that one has lost it. Now it has to be restored.

2. Grant me a willing a spirit.
     The word grant needs permission. When I read this I was thinking of someone praying for a willing spirit to do what the Lord has commanded me to.   I think of willing spirit means making the choice to to follow His will.

3. Sustain me
     To me when I read this is giving me the energy to comtinue even when things seems to be going bad.

When you bring this passage together. We have to repond with a prayer that will help us keep on keeping on.

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